With eCPD webinars, Karen Tkaczyk will give a webinar for practicing translators working in her fields of expertise.

Translating for the pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetics industries: problems, solutions and precipitates

Time: 10:00 MDT, 16:00 GMT (find out what your local time will be here)

Quality assurance systems and regulatory requirements often drive translation needs in the broad chemical industry. We translate standard operating procedures, quality assurance checklists, validation and qualification procedures, batch records and test forms for use in laboratories and manufacturing plants. This session discusses the types of documents that form the backbone of a technical translation practice in this field, splitting them into those that become basic, routine jobs for experienced translators and the corollary: types of texts that forever cause problems and test our translation skills. Many real-life examples will be used. Interaction and questions will be welcomed.

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© 2019 - 2025 Karen McMillan Tkaczyk | Designed by Mrs. Divi | Translations into French by Nathalie Armellin