The next “Together” conference will be held in Berlin on February 23-34 2017. Quoting from the Elia website:

“Together is Elia’s initiative dedicated to bringing together freelance translators and language service providers for constructive dialogue and mutual growth. Our aim is to provide a unique venue for all stakeholders in the language industry to openly discuss how to improve relationships and efficiency.

The focus for 2017 is Communicating for Success and features three tracks – Relationships, Processes and Technology – and builds on the success of the first Together event (February 2016) which focused on Developing our Connections.

This event is for anybody who believes in the power and possibilities of strong relationships between freelance translators and language companies.

Organizing Committee

Karen is on the organizing committee for this event, and will moderate the “Relationships” track.

I would love to hear from you!

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Mon-Fri from 7 am to 5 pm US mountain time

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© 2019 - 2025 Karen McMillan Tkaczyk | Designed by Mrs. Divi | Translations into French by Nathalie Armellin