I will attend the first annual conference held by the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society and give the keynote address and another talk in one of my areas of expertise. The event will be Saturday & Sunday, September 28 – 29, at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington. Abstracts for those talks follow.

Translation Bloopers are Dead: Long Live Abundant New Ways of Showcasing Yourself and our Profession

What does it take to raise the profile of an “invisible” profession? Translation fails? Though they serve a purpose as hooks, the speaker will argue that to showcase our work positively we can go beyond examples of bloopers (or even costly legal disasters) and use other, more creative and relevant avenues open to us in this connected world.

What would happen if we all made a concerted effort to promote our work and to describe how we work and run our businesses—from individual to corporate alike? Imagine how we could raise our profession’s profile and benefit the next generation.

Karen will present a spectrum of opportunities for T&I professionals of all kinds, from the obvious to the innovative, and will tackle the thorny topic of finding ways to do this that don’t violate non-disclosure agreements. If we all showcase our work and that of others in the profession, we could leave the next generation of language professionals a positive legacy.

Editing and Proofreading – a Fresh Look

We edit and proofread every day. Becoming more effective in these areas obviously improves quality; sometimes it improves the bottom line as well. Some people love these detail-oriented steps – but what about the rest of us? For everyone who loves the more creative first draft, gets bored with their texts, and is dreaming of moving on to the next challenge, here is a session to give you methods to slow down your eyes or see things differently, and to use technology to your advantage. Karen will pass on concrete tips that we can use straight away in our work—tips that she has applied, built up and practiced for years.

This talk will skip the basics of what we are looking for and talk about how to do it well. Karen will give numerous and varied tips for polishing our own work or that of others – including in two common circumstances – haste due to impending deadline, and blindness due to repeatedly rereading.


  • How modern tools can help us proofread
  • Ways to “see” texts differently to help with the process
  • Emergency proofreading measures for impending deadlines

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Mon-Fri from 7 am to 5 pm US mountain time

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© 2019 - 2025 Karen McMillan Tkaczyk | Designed by Mrs. Divi | Translations into French by Nathalie Armellin